Modern Foreign Languages

The MFL curriculum at Millfield enables students, regardless of their starting ability, to discover more about a foreign language, developing their desire and ability to communicate with and understand speakers of the assessed language in a variety of contexts and for a variety of purposes. The study of a modern foreign language will broaden horizons, develop cultural knowledge and understanding and foster transferable skills such as confidence, communication, problem solving and creativity.
Students in Year 7 will continue the journey of discovery started in KS2 and deepen their knowledge of the foundations built from learning a foreign language in primary school. These skills are interwoven into the learning journey that students undertake throughout Key Stage 3, developing an appreciation of the vocabulary, grammar and phonics of the target language taught. Students also explore different cultures, and traditions from other cultural heritages where Spanish and French are spoken, to help them develop an understanding and appreciation of global diversity.
“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.”
In Key Stage 3, students study French or / and Spanish. A key intent is to encourage pupils to have a thirst for learning a foreign language as it is a liberation from insularity and provides an opening to other cultures. We aim to foster students’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world. Learning a language enables students to express their ideas and thoughts, and to understand and respond to its speakers, both in speech and in writing. It also provides opportunities for them to communicate for practical purposes, learn new ways of thinking and read literary texts in the original language. The importance of phonics, vocabulary and grammar are key to our students’ language learning where we adopt a mastery curriculum for all.
As students move into Key Stage 4, they begin their GCSE courses. Students are entered for Eduqas French and/ or Spanish. Students will consolidate and further develop their language skills by looking at varied, interesting text types, as well as developing their own speaking, listening, reading, writing and translation skills in the target language. We cover a range of topics over three themes: identity and culture; local, national, international, and global areas of interest; and current and future study and employment. These skills set students up for life and provide them with the foundation for learning further languages, as well as equipping them to study and work in other countries.
In MFL students have access to a wide range of extracurricular opportunities. It is important to understand and experience the culture and traditions of the target language spoken, therefore the MFL department have a number of clubs such as Euro club, Spanish Language and Culture Club, Italian, Mandarin, Language Ambassador Club and British Sign Language clubs. We also arrange university trips and a trip to the European Christmas markets to practise a range of European languages and sample the different foods. We also coordinate residential trips abroad to France and Spain, where pupils will experience the country’s food, language, culture, architecture, traditions, and customs.