Year 11 Progress Lead – Mrs Clare
Year 11 Head of Key Stage 4 – Miss Gower
As students move into Year 11, it is a privilege to continue as their Progress Lead and guide them through their final year.
My role as Progress Lead for Year 11 is the same as it has been for the last four years. I collaborate with all staff to maintain a high level of pastoral support for all students in my year group. This covers behaviour, pastoral, welfare, and attendance. I work with students and staff to help students to overcome barriers and maximise the learning for each individual student. I am lucky enough to have been with my year group from the beginning which means in the time that I have known them I have built amazing relationships with the students and their parents.
We expect Millfield students to be ‘SMART’:
Smart in appearance
Manners and respect
Achieve and attend
Resilient in attitude
Tolerant of others
My role is to ensure all students are following these expectations, which in turn will provide them with the tools they need for their journey after Millfield.
Year 11 is vitally important in preparing students for their future. Year 11 students receive a great deal of support in making plans for life after Millfield. We focus on ensuring that students achieve the very best results that they possibly can, and there is a significant amount of support available from the teachers to enable studentds to do that. Advice is given on revision techniques, and intervention sessions are available after school, along with supervised study sessions. Alongside this, we will have career days, hear talks from guest speakers and have plenty of opportunities to gather all the information students need to make the right decisions when they leave school. The transition for further education can be a very smooth one if students and parents are on board from the very start of the year.
Another part of my role is to ensure students are making progress in lessons. Being a cover supervisor enables me to monitor students’ behaviour, work ethic and classroom engagement. This allows me to find ways in which we can support the learning of each individual student.
I will always provide a support and advice if needed. I would also hope that students are kind and supportive to one another during this challenging year. I am extremely proud to see the personal growth that all students have made over the past years.
The school motto is “Creating bright futures!” and I truly believe that all students have the ability – with our support- to make this happen. I am confident that all our Year 11 students will continue their journey of self-discovery and to develop the knowledge they need to succeed in life.
Here’s to a successful Year 11!