
Year 7

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Year 7


Year 7 Progress Lead – Mr Kieron Griffiths

As the Progress Lead for year 7, my role is to support transition, provide pastoral care to students, where necessary, and support the emotional and physical welfare of our students.  My priority is to ensure students feel safe, happy, involved in the school community and able to perform to their full potential. Happy students integrate well with others so any problems are addressed appropriately in accordance with our school policies.  

Transitioning from primary school to secondary school can come with a mix of emotions for many students. Whilst I hope students are excited and mentally prepared for the transition, I recognise it can be a very challenging time for some.  To support students during this big move we use a range of strategies to overcome anxieties and fears, to ensure students begin their Millfield journey positively. 

I endeavour to instil a deep-rooted ethos of team spirit into each one of my students. I guide and encourage everyone to achieve their personal best at everything they do, both inside school and outside in the community. I have unfailingly high expectations that all Year 7 are supportive and kind to one another, and every pupil knows that I am here to support and guide them should they ever need me to do so.  

It is imperative that students wear correct uniform and arrive to school on time ready to learn, with all equipment in line with the behaviour for learning policy.  They should follow instructions given by staff and demonstrate good behaviour towards learning. To this end I work alongside teaching staff, supporting good behaviour for learning in lessons, and considerate behaviour around school. I also support Year 7 form tutors so that we can provide the best possible experience and education for all students. 

Being Progress Lead for Year 7 makes me feel privileged and incredibly proud every single day. I believe in restorative practice to resolve conflict, enabling students to build a toolkit of skills and values that they will use throughout their entire life. At Millfield we work on a whole school approach with a high level of communication between departments within school, parents/carers, and outside services (when appropriate). I look forward to supporting Year 7 and will stay with them until they have completed their high school journey.