
The music curriculum encourages learners to progress individually as well as part of a group, through teamwork. Students will learn through practical and knowledge-based tasks. These will include:
- Listening to and appraising music from different eras, from a range of composers, artists, and genres.
- Developing initial musical ideas into structured compositions within a certain style
- Analysing and evaluating their own and others’ practical compositions and performances.
- Expressing themselves creatively through the development of musical ideas.
- Learning to take risks and develop resilience.
Students in year 7 will continue the journey of discovery started in KS2 and deepen their knowledge of performing and composing, as well as listening and appraising. These skills are interwoven into the learning journey that students undertake throughout KS3, developing an appreciation of music from the great composers and music from different cultures. Students will also express themselves through creative tasks, building their confidence and self-esteem.
“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” - Plato
In Key Stage 3, there is a focus on creativity, leadership, evaluation, and teamwork. In KS3 all assessments incorporate the National Curriculum Programmes of Study and students are assessed at the end of each half term, through practical, recorded, listening and written work. Key words are taught as part of all the Schemes of Work and form a basis to learning in all topics and units. These key words are built upon as students progress through each year. There are also many opportunities to refer to numeracy within musical structures and rhythms in the Music Curriculum.
In Key Stage 4, creativity, music technology, performing and production skills are built upon and developed in order to deepen students’ music-specific knowledge and terminology. Key Stage 4 work starts with a focus on developing both independent learning and teamwork, which are both integral to progress in BTEC work. Interim and end of unit assessments take place throughout Key Stage 4.
We host a range of shows where our students can showcase their musical talent. For example, in December, we hold the Millfield Carol Services at Thornton Methodist Church. Students with an interest in singing can also take part in the Celebration of Music, which is held at the Blackpool Winter Gardens in March. Towards the end of the academic year, we host the Performing Arts Showcase, then the final show of the year, The Big Gig.
“Where words fail, music speaks.” – Hans Christian Andersen